Thursday, October 29, 2009

Natasha & Elmo [just.because]

[Sunday, October 25th] - I headed out to have a little shoot with Natasha and her beautiful horse Elmo! Check it out :)

25 Years [Mom & Dad's Anniversary Celebration]

October 20th marked my parents' 25th Wedding Anniversary. Congrats Mom & Dad!
We took them out for dinner in the Peg the following weekend. We had a great time. Here's some photos that were shot at the forks. Enjoy :)

Tami & Chad [just.because]

[Saturday, October 17] - I headed out to Carman to meet up with Tami & Chad to do some lifestyle photos. They were so much fun! Here's a sneak peek :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Giving Thanks to Great Food & Family

Hello blog readers,
I'm back!... from a weekend at the farm where food was plenty. My mother is a fantastic cook. You never know when to stop eating. So we ate for two days. Did I also mention that I have no self control when it comes to farm food?
It was also my birthday on the 11th, so it was a great day for turkey and cake!
Dad and Tasso heading to pasture to check the cattle.
Someone loves the snow...
Tasso, he's not the smartest dog when it comes to herding cattle but at least he's good looking.

Maengaeli looking out the window, dreaming of catching a bird ;-)

Ahh, love on my birthday!
Who wouldn't want the sweet life of a cat?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Horse Power x 3

It's been a while since my last post... and I've done some great shooting since but I figured I would drop a line and share some photos of our horses at the farm (Whitney, Jack & Brandy). Enjoy...